Books by the Author

WCSH-6 Interview with Jim and Jack - 2003
Bestselling author James Dodson sweeps readers along on his once-in-a-lifetime trip with his young son through the great cites and eccentric byways of Europe n a book that celebrates the wonder, comedy and adventure to be found in the most unlikely places.
There are two kinds of travel, someone once said, – first class and with children. As Jim Dodson discovered during the summer of 2001 when he and his ten-year-old son Jack set off to see the “old” world, traveling with a kid can almost make a grown man feel–and behave- like a child again. The stated aim of their larkish adventure was to try to circle the globe and spy the wonders the world has to offer, but the best-laid plans soon went awry. Father and son encountered many unforeseen obstacles to their journey – some hilarious and others heartbreaking – but they discovered something far more valuable n each other’s company: a world where, at the end of the day, unexpected laughter and pain can make us all friendly small-town neighbors.
"The Road to Somewhere is a book about travel in Europe, reaching fifty and the ineffable thing between a father and his son. It is also an uncommonly companionable and beguiling narrative that demonstrates, once and again, James Dodsons wit, god sense, humility, and gift for language. It is a measure of his talent and humane spirit that he can make the reader see Paris with new eyes and love the old city indeed, the old continent all over again."
- Geoffrey Norman, author of Two for the Summit
"Dodson brings a rare sensibility to the craft equal parts expertise and humanity."
- Austin American Statesman"
"Remarkable...a touching story of a father's cherished time with his son."
- Publisher's Weekly
"A great,loving embrace of fatherhood."
- Kirkus Reviews